The Impact of Gender Inequality

Gender inequality

The fight for gender equality: Why it’s important?

Gender equality is an essential ingredient for a just and fair society. Some may believe that gender equality is only important when it comes to ensuring equal access to education, employment, and other opportunities. In recent years, there has been a growing movement to promote gender equality in all areas of life. This effort has been met with both support and criticism, but it is clear that the issue of gender equality is here to stay.

It is important to achieve gender equality for several reasons. For one, it is a fundamental human right. Both men and women should be able to enjoy the same rights and opportunities, regardless of their gender. Additionally, gender equality is critical for economic development. When women are able to participate fully in the workforce, economies prosper. Finally, gender equality promotes social stability and can help to prevent conflict. When women are treated equally, they are more likely to feel valued and respected. As a result, they are less likely to experience violence or insecurity, and more likely to have strong relationships with their families and communities. Gender equality is not only the right thing to do – it is also essential for ensuring a peaceful and prosperous future for all. This article discusses how gender equality has helped to alter the way people perceive a woman’s gender in recent times.

The surprising places where gender equality has actually been beneficial:

In many parts of the world, women have long been considered second-class citizens. They have been denied equal access to education, employment, and political participation. As a result, they have often been the victims of gender-based violence, including rape, domestic abuse, and forced marriage. In recent years, however, there has been a growing movement to promote gender equality. This includes efforts to ensure that women have the same rights and opportunities as men. As a result of these efforts, some harmful practices which were against women have been prevented. Additionally, women are now able to play a more active role in society. They are able to participate in politics, work in a variety of fields, and pursue their own educational interests and jobs. Gender equality empowers women to stand up for their rights and demand fair treatment. It also sends a clear message that all human beings, regardless of gender, are deserving of respect and dignity.

Female infanticide:

China, India, and Pakistan have high numbers of female infanticide cases. According to the United Nations, approximately 2,000 unborn girls are murdered every day in India illegally. Despite the fact that gender equality is yet to be achieved, it has already helped to prevent some harmful practices, such as female infanticide. In many civilizations across the world, women have been regarded as inferior to men and have not been given the same chances. They were considered a financial burden and hence girls were frequently killed at birth or abandoned. However, as gender equality has increased in popularity, this practice has started to diminish. To assist and guide female youngsters, several initiatives and laws have been established to encourage parents to enable their girl child to study and seek employment. Women are now regarded as assets to society and are given the same chances as men. As a result, far fewer girls are being murdered or abandoned, and more are being offered the opportunity to thrive.

Child marriage or forced marriage:

Child marriage is a human rights violation that has devastating consequences for girls. It deprives them of their childhood, interrupts their education, and puts them at risk of violence and abuse. In some cases, it also leads to early pregnancy and childbirth, which can put girls’ lives at risk. Every year, one in 20 adolescent girls aged 15–19 experience forced sex, which is one of the most violent types of sexual assault that women and girls can endure. In 2019, maternal health problems – such as hemorrhage, sepsis, or obstructed labour – were the second-leading cause of death among girls aged 15 to 19. However, there has been a growing movement to end child marriage in recent years. This movement has been driven in part by the fight for gender equality. As women and girls have gained more rights and opportunities, they have been better able to assert their right to choose.

Denial of education:

Throughout history, there has been a trend of denying education to females. This is because they are seen as nothing more than tools for the household. Globally, 22% of adolescent girls aged 15-19 are not in education, employment, or training for higher education when compared to 12% of adolescent boys. Women are believed to be incapable of complex thought, and their only purpose is to serve the needs of their husbands and children. However, this way of thinking is not only archaic but is also damaging. Women have just as much potential as men and denying them an education can rob them of the opportunity to reach their full potential. In addition, it perpetuates the cycle of inequality between the sexes. Education is a fundamental human right, and all women can have access to it. Because of the influence of gender equality movements, women are nowadays receiving the same education as men.


While there has been much progress made in enhancing gender equality around the world, there are still many areas where women continue to face discrimination. In some areas, polygamous cultures are practiced where women have long been seen as the property of their husbands with little to no autonomy. However, as women have become more educated and involved in the workforce, they have started to challenge this status quo. In addition, polygamy is increasingly being recognized as a violation of women’s rights by international organizations. As a result, polygamous marriages are becoming less common.  In other countries like India and Pakistan, so-called “honour killings” are not uncommon, whereby a woman is killed by a male family member for supposedly bringing dishonor to the family. While such practices may be on the decline in some parts of the world, they are still unfortunately all too common in others. As such, there is still much work to be done in terms of ensuring true gender equality globally.