How Women Can Effectively Manage and Prioritize Their Tasks

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We all know the saying ‘Time is money.’ This idea is particularly true in today’s world. People who effectively manage their time have a convenient and organized life. Today’s world is where many of us strive to find the perfect time management plan. Time management is beneficial to male and female workers.

Female workers/business owners/entrepreneurs often spread themselves too thin with their time. Effective time management is essential for women in today’s world. Skills like workload management, task prioritization, etc. help women reduce work-related stress and live a productive life.

Today, we’ll look at how to prioritize tasks, be less of a workaholic, and reduce stress, and time management.

Wake up early every day

Start your day by starting early. Waking up early in the morning can be difficult at first, but has many advantages. Science proves that waking up early keeps the mind fresh throughout the day. Also, you can use this time to focus on how to prioritize tasks for the day. Waking up early is great, just make sure to get your eight-hour minimum sleep.

Identify your high-priority tasks for the day

Take some time to consider or list out the biggest tasks for the day. A female office worker will have plenty to do at home and in the office. Think about what you’re looking to complete in the next day, week, or month, and write it down. These clear ideas help you plan ahead and figure out ways to complete them within the set time frame.

Prioritize tasks based on urgency and importance

Here, you organize the jobs you have to do on a scale of urgency and importance. The best approach here is first to prioritize urgent and important tasks. Any job related to the company’s functioning comes here and deserves your utmost attention.

Tasks that are not time-sensitive come next. You can delegate these tasks to your co-workers if possible. Some tasks are not worth very important or urgent and so spend minimal time on those. Keep this up every day to help with workload management.

Create time blocks for your daily routines

Another great way to reduce work-related stress is to organize your calendar into several time blocks. Dedicate time to your high-priority tasks. Ignore distractions and do not try to complete multiple projects at once. More tasks lead to more stress. Hence, you control stress by focusing on one task at a time.

Also, you can adopt the Pomodoro Technique to reduce work-related stress. The technique requires you to complete multiple tasks in twenty-five minutes. At the 25th minute, stop, take a break for five minutes, and resume the cycle again. We are all different and you should pick a style that works best for you.

Set one hour every day for yourself

There are times when a single weekend is not enough to control stress. We suggest you spend at least one hour every day for yourself. Do anything you want during this time, provided it is not work-centric. That way, you stop being a workaholic, reduce stress, and relax a little.

Have a backup plan ready

No plan is complete without a few backups in place. Often, your plans will not go as intended. Unforeseen circumstances for you to drop everything and focus on something else. Such situations range from work-related to home-related.

If an urgent situation comes up at work, always have a family member or friend who can help you with other tasks. Also, if an issue comes up at work, ensure there is someone to cover for you. That way, you can control stress and get better at workload management.

Emphasize self-care

Self-care is crucial for everyone and is a great way to control stress. Regardless of your gender, we all benefit from spending a little time on self-care. It can reduce work-related stress and give you little moments of peace.

If you are too busy during the day, there are a few things you can try at the workplace

  •  Take a few breaks
  •   Practice eye exercises
  •  Take a stroll around your office space, but do not loiter
  •  Drink water regularly
  •  Don’t force yourself to work if you’re too tired
  •  Periodically get fresh air in your lungs
  •  Regularly organize the workspace


According to Psych Central, around 120,000 people die from work-related stress every year. Offices today demand more than what most employees are capable of. Women in particular must know how to prioritize tasks in and out of the office. Like men, women also have to adopt methods to control stress. The methods listed above are just some of the numerous ways you can counter work-related stress and reduce time as a workaholic.

There are plenty of experts and communities available online who can help you manage and prioritize daily tasks. You can interact with other people or listen to experts on how to prioritize tasks and become efficient at home and the office.