Tamilpreneur has been celebrating entrepreneurs in Tamil Nadu throughout the year. Last year, they displayed pictures of top women entrepreneurs from Tamil Nadu on smart displays in Chennai and Coimbatore, generating 1 lakh offline impressions. This year, they expanded their celebration to include not only women entrepreneurs, but also women who support men in their entrepreneurship journey, and men who support women in their startup journey. Here are some of the inspiring entrepreneurs who spoke at the event
Launch of I’m Safe – A Women’s Safety App
Jeson Duthie, Product Manager at I’m Safe, introduced the app that helps women avoid becoming victims of physical and emotional abuse. The global app provides useful features like an SOS button, Track me, Fake call and anonymous record. I’m Safe not only provides personal safety but also safety for women working in organisations.

Building an Orbital Class Launch Vehicle with Agnikul
Archana, Director of ILSS, and Srinath, CEO of Agnikul, talked about building an orbital class launch vehicle that takes 100 kg to orbit. Agnikul is on a mission to provide a cost-effective solution to satellite launch services, making space accessible to everyone.This couple not only supports each other in their goals but also engaged in a thoughtful and laughter-filled discussion.

The Founder of Spikra and her Journey to Success
Radha Rengachari founded Spikra, a service-based business in Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu, which provides technical support and customer service to clients in the IT industry. Through her extensive experience in ITIL, CRM, and team management, she has led the company to generate a quarter million dollars in revenue. Radha’s journey to success wasn’t without setbacks and failures, but her perseverance and expertise have propelled Spikra to become a thriving business.

Mistakes as a Founder Helped Shape Current Startup 60Plus India
Arasi Arul, founder of 60Plus India, shared how her mistakes as a founder helped shape her current startup. 60Plus India is a geriatric agetech company meeting the needs of India’s senior citizens through an “Urbanclap” style service model. With 136 million seniors in India, Arasi’s company addresses a significant market need. Her insights on learning from mistakes were valuable for attendees.

Connecting People Closer to Farming and Good Food with myHarvest Farms
Co-founders of myHarvest Farms, Archana and Stalin, promote community farming using natural techniques to provide chemical-free produce. With 15-plus years of knowing each other, their mutual support helped build a successful startup bringing people closer to farming and good food.
Over 10+ founders gave an elevator pitch in front of the sangamam attendees, showcasing their innovative ideas and ventures.

The Tamilpreneur event was a celebration of not only women entrepreneurs but also their supporters. It provided an opportunity for attendees to learn from the journeys and experiences of successful entrepreneurs and connect with like-minded individuals. It was a great initiative by Tamilpreneur to promote and empower women entrepreneurs in Tamil Nadu.